captain philips movie + exciting soundtrack

captain philips movie was another masterwork of tom hanks.

Before i have seen other movies like forrest gump and cast away. both of them was  enjoyable too.
The story of this movie is about a captain which is arrested by pirates from Kenya.

During the movie i was strongly under pressure because i was sympathizing with captain philips and i felt stress just like the captain.

Captain philips was not a hero, as we always see in other movies, he was a normal human, just like any of us living in this world. Sometime, he became disappointed, sometimes he was crying, of course he used his intelligence and cleverness to escape.

an interesting point about the actors who played the role of pirate was that they had never been a professional actor and it was their first role in cinema, but they were amazing.

To hear some music from this movie, please click the link below and if you liked it leave me a comment.


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